Friday, March 21, 2008

Month Review

So, yeah, um, I guess I was going to make a week review like three weeks ago or so, and that never happened (blame it on the rain... or Vico and Kierkegaard*...) so I am now just going to do one massive month review thing. THIS'LL BE HUGE!!!!!


1. Finishing theses: I think the mere fact that "theses" always makes me think of "feces" implies that I am probably not intellectual enough to have done this. But guess what, motherfucker?! I DONE DID!
2. Lucky Strike: The cigarette brand that built America.
3. The Young Ones: I don't know why I thought I hated this show for so long. Probably because... well anyway, I like it now. As Hemingway once famously said: "SK is wildly inconsistent. Pass me that Scope, I need to get soaked."
4. Soaked: This is an awesome adjective I invented that means "writes bad novels."
5.Gettin' Wild I'd: While I'm glad to be able to introduce yet another new phrase to the English language, I think this stage of my life is now complete.
6. Not having a car: At first it was charming, now not so much.
7. Striped sweaters: So what if they look bad on me, they are defining my spring with their horizontalness (i.e. how I get with your mom...horizontal....on a bed... ... ... this one needs work)^.
8. Being able to read books again: I'm giddy.
9. Dirty Dancing: You know you should like it, philistine.
10. Chapel Hill: Hometown love!
11. Dear Prudence at Why do I love this so much? I bet if I wrote her and asked her, she would tell me. Maybe it's just because she's a total foxxx (please don't mock me...)

1. Excepter Debt Dept.: I don't understand how this album is so awesome, but it is.
2. Awesome Tapes from Africa: More than lives up to its name. In fact, I'll give them a permanent link on my blog! Hope their server doesn't crash from the massive increase in traffic they're about to receive...
3. Rediscovering 80s Hardcore: Is it obscene for a 22 year-old to enjoy the Dicks, the Necros and the Crucifucks as much as I do?
4. El Guincho Alegranza!: How did I lose interest in this so quickly? Also, who knew that people in Spain made music besides
5. Bernabé de Morón Flamenco España: Best 50 cents I've ever spent. On vinyl. Without that 50 cents being part of a larger sum. Because then I'd've used it towards the purchasing of better things. Maybe. I wish I could do math.
6. Acid Mothers Temple live: Why don't I go to more live shows? Also, how did I miss that part where he threw his guitar up onto the ceiling? That was really stupid of me.
7. Make music with me#.


That's it. See you soon!



* I always thought Kierkegaard was more attractive than this for some reason...
^what I really want is an argyle sweater. that's what dreams are made of.
# Please?