Monday, December 22, 2008

Reissues and Kudos

So 2008 is almost over, and it was an all right year in some ways, but I just learned something that made it truly great: THEY ARE COMPLETELY REISSUING FLIPPER'S BACK CATALOG ON BOTH CD AND VINYL! So, essentially... good going 2008! Here are some pictures and videos of Flipper to make you as happy as I am:

On an additional music note (ha ha!) I've been listening to the newest Magik Markers releases. It's nice to hear that they're still experimenting after Boss but...I dunno what I think about it yet. Here's a picture to represent my conundrum:

And lastly, I hear that there are some holidays coming up or something, but how should I know? Oh? That's how I should know? My apologies, good sir.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

LIST 2008

TOP 20 OF 2008

1. Excepter- Debt Dept.
2. The Hospitals- Hairdryer Peace
3. 1970's Algerian Proto-Rai Underground
4. Pocahaunted- Island Diamonds
5. Sex Vid- Nests 7"
6. Valerio Cosi- Heavy Electronic Pacific Rock
7. US Girls- Introducing
8. No Age- Nouns
9. Eric Copeland- Alien in a Garbage Dump EP
10. Ryoji Ikeda- Test Pattern
11. The Fall- Imperial Wax Solvent
12. Windy Weber- I Hate People
13. Cult Ritual-2nd EP
14. Emeralds- Solar Bridge
15. Lau Nau- Nukkuu
16. Growing- All the Way
17. Phantom Orchard- Orra
18. The Dead C- Secret Earth
19. Fucked Up- The Chemistry of Modern Life
20. Mary Halvorson Trio- Dragon's Head