Friday, April 18, 2008

Skunks and Art

Skunks* are fascinating creatures. For example, they can spray their nefarious liquid of evil with high accuracy up to 7 to 15 feet away. That shit's intense! Also, I just learned that Blogger doesn't accept shit's as a word. Weird.
Anyway, skunks/skunxxx are also cool because they are symbol of impossible love of the French cat variety. I always used to wonder why that French ladycat always got into situations where she got lines on her back. It just seems like she would have accepted the fact that God clearly wanted her to be skunk-like and deal with it. Salope stupide!
Also, in retrospect, I think Pepe Le Pew (who, although unnamed, was the actual topic of the previous paragraph) was really an allegory about race relations. Think about it.

Secondly, ART. I really just have been gobsmacked and mindboggled by this Aliza Shvarts thing. I mean, I don't know how so many people bought it as fact (how exactly was she supposed to have ARTificially inseminated herself, for example?) but I'm pleased that it worked out so well for her. It's pretty awesome though, IMHO^. I'm too bored with writing at the moment to really go into this in detail, but I think it was an interesting project, and especially for it to have been a performance piece (not the hoax that the newspapers are calling it) is doubly interesting to me, considering that I as well have a career as a performance artist. Collaboration, perhaps? Maybe? Why you gotta be that way baby? ? WHAT?! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO MAKE AMAZING ART WITH ME, ALIZA! WHY DON'T YOU RETURN MY PHONE CALLS ANYMORE I'M SORRY THAT I SAID THAT THING ABOUT YOUR MOM BUT SHE WAS TOTALLY A BITCH TO ME AND I JUST WANTTOSEEYOURSHININGFACEINTHEMORNINGAGAINOHGODILOVEYOUSOMUCH!!!!!!!


Lastly 8===D---0-:

YOU'VE BEEN TEARSIFIED for the 12th TIME!!!!!!!!!!

*The word skunk is a corruption of an Abenaki name for them, segongw or segonku, which means "one who squirts" in the Algonquian dialect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so lonely, tears and mayonnaise! Please post more for my reading delight!