Friday, January 18, 2008

Byzantines and Final Judgments

I would like to start this post off with a rumination on the Byzantines: !
Too bad I don't actually know Greek.

In other news, I've decided, based on a four second clip of the beginning of one of their songs, that I hate this band Vampire Weekend*. First, I don't like their name. Second, I didn't like the drum beat in the intro that I heard. Third, people who go to Columbia should not be in bands! That is the domain of other schools! Call me Leagueist (as in, Ivy Leagueist, as in resentful of people who go to better schools than me, as in, etc.) but my (e)valuation still stands. Besides, I trust this judgment because I made it completely without recourse to logic or critical method, and really, that's the only way to make a decision that isn't just lying to yourself. I was going to draw up a list of other things that I hated on impulse but that didn't happen. Obvs.

Looking back over that, that was a little bitter. So, I will know ask that you think about kittens cuddling with otters in a playful environment. Now I feel better too.

That is the Final Judgment of Entry #4.
Also, sorry I didn't talk about Black Dice. That was a teaser.

*What exactly is going on in this picture? Whoever can tell me wins $3.72!

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